Wednesday, July 27, 2016

6 Word Memoir

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Life Is Better With Some Twists

A Six Word Memoir Expansion
AndreWhen you do most things, you would preferably want it to be as best as it could and sometimes that could mean the most fun or the most important or even the most unusual as you want it to be. I was thinking about a way to make everything a little better and I thought that it would make everything the way you would want it if you would try to enjoy what it is you are doing and I also thought there would be the element of some unexpecting twists and turns that you might have been a lot better with. This could also mean that it would be for the benefit or it could also affect you in a negative way, but what I think really matters is the fact that it could be a great experience and in a way more fun.

My 6 word memoir also came to me when I went to a hockey game with the family and I was expecting for my favorite hockey team to lose terribly to the other team after the 2nd period when the score was 4 to 1 in their favor, but in the 3rd period, my team came back and beat the other team 5 to 4! What I thought after the game was how much better the game was when my team came back than if my team just wiped out the other team to begin with. So the twist from that was when the team came back.

All in all, my 6 word memoir could mean anything to you, but what came to me from this memoir was that life is better when you don’t expect a thing, and sometimes, a very surprising thing could really brighten your day.

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